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Concept One The Science of the Solar System
Concept One The Science of the Solar System Unified Universal Principles of  conversion of Solar Energy to Mechanical Forces
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Concept One is a new scientific presentation based on indisputable evidence that connects most natural catastrophes directly to the exact laws of planetary motion.

January 17, 1994, 4:31 AM
A major earthquake strikes the Los Angeles area.

January 17, 1995, 5:46 AM
A major earthquake strikes Kobe, Japan, taking 4567 lives, leaving 14,679 injured and tens of billions of dollars in damage.

December 26, 2003, 5:26 AM
A major earthquake strikes Southern Iran, taking 31,000 lives.

December 26, 2004, 7:58 AM
A major earthquake near Sumatra triggers a tsunami, taking 283,000 lives.

What force could possibly trigger these major disasters at precisely the anniversary of the previous event? Two and one half hours of international time difference between Iran and Sumatra makes this even a more interesting scientific argument.

Concept One discoveries prove the only viable explanation must be within the Earth's orbital motion around the sun.

Concept One, the Science of the Solar System, presents a complete new explanation for: the principle of planetary motion within the Solar System; the actual force behind earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados; the principles of the Sun's absolute command over Earth's atmospheric, geologic, and oceanic properties.

Now we have arrived at a turning point to correct our scientific views of the essential laws and forces at work within the Solar System.

All Rights Reserved. All claims & materials of Concept One are the property of N. Toussi.
Any duplication, publication, alteration and application of Concept One is prohibited by law.
