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Concept One The Science of the Solar System
Concept One The Science of the Solar System Unified Universal Principles of  conversion of Solar Energy to Mechanical Forces
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Over the past 20 years I have personally financed this important project. At this point in time, I have no alternative but to request support from the public. Any contributions and promotions will be highly appreciated.

Earthquakes - Hurricanes - Tornados

Can We Save Lives?
"Life itself is sacred and the most precious to all beings." - N. Toussi

You are invited to take part in promoting a major scientific discovery to save lives.

Concept One is a new scientific presentation that directly links all of the above disasters to converted electro magnetic force fields of Solar radiation.

Concept One & Sunterra Laws.

1- Most earthquakes are a result of sonic shock waves created by discharge of electrical energy accumulated in Earth's crust.
2- The Sun is the source of molecular energies which we know as Photons.
3- The Sun has no gravitational influence over its planets. In fact, the Sun's photons impact on any mass creates a pushing away force that is in opposite direction to the fundamental law of gravity.
4- Rotational & orbital motions of planets are the direct result of conversion of Solar energy to motion, as how a Radiometer functions.
5- Sunterra Laws present a provable formula that I've named "The Total Vector Force of Planetary Motion", that disprove present theories. N. Toussi

Dear Friends and Advocates,

This is the most amazing time in my life — to have witnesses at the time of unveiling the hidden secret of the universe.

Learning and understanding Concept One and SunTerra Laws is most essential for all who are searching to find the correct, exact laws of physics that govern our world and its environments.

My sincere thanks and appreciation to all who are seeking the absolute truth. It is my promise that this revelation shines heavenly light, exposing all the unexplainable phenomena of our world.

This is just the beginning of a new era for the human race, with the constructive purpose of protecting all living beings and their environments.

Governor Pete Wilson letter

This is a response from Governor Wilson to my request that I have developed technology to monitor accumulation and saturation of electro magnetic energies, for predicting earthquakes and requesting cooperation from the office of the state government.

(Text Copy of Governor Pete Wilson's letter)

Dear Mr. Toussi:

Thank you very much for the information you provided.

Clearly, to manage our state government, I need the broadest possible access to all types of information. Receiving information from many sources, such as you, helps me know which issues are most important to my fellow Californians.

Again, thank you for taking the time to share this information with me.


President Bill Clinton letter

President Clinton's response to my request to sign an executive order to investigate this important issue.

(Text Copy of President Bill Clinton's letter)

Mr. Nasser Toussi

Dear Nasser:

Thank you very much for your message of support and for the material you enclosed.

As we prepare to meet the challenges of the 21st century, it is important to me that I know the thoughts and experiences of people who care about the future of America and our world. I am confident that, working together, we can protect our shared values and meet our common challenges.

I am glad you took the time to write, and I welcome your involvement.

Bill Clinton

This is the original Sunterra mathematical calculation before changes and corrections were made. The final result is available in the Sunterra section.

Concept One

We must save our world.

"The life itself is the most precious gift to all beings." N. Toussi

You are invited to take part in promoting a major scientific discovery.

Our world has been taken over by lies and deceptions in science, politics, economy and everything in our lives.

Rise for the sake of righteousness and join us to defeat these false entities that their purpose is entirely to destroy our world.

We are campaigning for this important cause.

Learn, support and contribute by visiting
